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Project Based Learning Model with the help of Digital Media Anecdote Text Class X Sma/Ma Students

Received: 20 February 2024     Accepted: 4 March 2024     Published: 2 April 2024
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This research aims to develop a project-based learning model assisted by digital media for learning anecdotal texts for class X SMA/MA students. The problems of this research: (1) How is the design of a project-based learning model assisted by digital media for learning anecdotal texts for class X SMA/MA students? (2) What are the results of the implementation of the project-based learning model assisted by digital media in the learning of anecdotal texts for X SMA/MA students? This research uses research and development methods with the ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluate) model. The steps of this research consist of needs analysis, designing a project-based learning model assisted by digital media, developing a project-based learning model assisted by digital media, implementing a project-based learning model product assisted by digital media, and evaluating a project-based learning model product assisted by digital media. Data collection in this research was by collecting data from the results of validation questionnaires from learning model experts, media experts, practitioners, and implementation in learning. The data obtained was analyzed descriptively using a Likert scale and Paired Sample T-Test. The results of the validation test by learning model experts obtained a value of 3.66, validation tests by media experts obtained a value of 3.14, validation tests by Indonesian language teachers obtained a value of 3.92. The results of the implementation of the project-based learning model assisted by digital media in anecdotal text learning for class X SMA/MA students received a positive response from students with a score of 3.48. The conclusion of this research is that the project-based learning model assisted by digital media in teaching anecdotal texts for class.

Published in International Journal of Secondary Education (Volume 12, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijsedu.20241201.13
Page(s) 16-21
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Learning Model, Digital Media Project Based, Anecdotal Text

1. Introduction
Learning is a process of interaction between teachers and students to carry out thinking processes and involve important elements in learning. The thinking process in learning is carried out in an interactive, inspiring, fun, challenging manner, motivates students to participate actively, and provides space for initiative, creativity and independence in accordance with students' interests, talents, physical development and development of thinking skills. Students' creative thinking abilities cannot develop well if in learning activities, teachers do not actively involve students in understanding concept formation, the learning methods used in teaching and learning activities are less creative, and learning is still teacher-centered.
In the learning process, creative thinking skills can be produced, one of which is through learning models, because learning models are an important element that teachers use as a guide in teaching and learning activities to achieve learning goals, therefore teachers must be skilled in implementing appropriate and effective learning models .
To improve the quality of the learning process, choosing a learning model is an important factor because it depends on the potential and characteristics of students, materials, time or hours of lessons, and the availability of facilities and infrastructure that are considered to support the learning process .
The Project Based Learning Model is learning with long-term activities that involve students in designing, creating and presenting products to solve real world problems. Project-based learning focuses students on real life to enrich their learning experience to foster creativity, independence, responsibility, self-confidence and critical thinking .
In this research, the researcher chose the design aspect/learning model with a project-based model with anecdotal text, because according to the researcher, writing anecdotes is an aspect that is closely related to strengthening student creativity. Learning to produce complex explanatory texts using a project-based learning model for vocational school students is effective and can increase student learning activities .
Anecdotes are used to convey criticism, but not in a harsh or hurtful way. Anecdotes tell stories about important people (public figures) or famous people based on actual events. This real incident was then used as the basis for a funny story by adding fictional elements .
One way to improve students' writing skills is to use appropriate media that is able to stimulate students' writing skills. By using the right media, information or teaching materials can be received and absorbed by students well. Teaching materials are anything, whether in the form of tools, materials, or information that can be used by teachers in carrying out learning activities . This is in accordance with one of the functions of learning media, namely to improve it well, then teaching and learning outcomes will increase.
Based on the description above, researchers will create a project-based learning model for anecdotal text material assisted by digital media to make it easier for students to understand the material and be able to write anecdotal text well and correctly. Therefore, the author took the title "Project Based Learning Model Assisted by Digital Media with Anecdotal Texts for Class X SMA/MA Students".
This research aims to develop a project-based learning model assisted by digital media for learning anecdotal texts for class X SMA/MA students. The specific objectives of this research are as follows.
1. How is the design of a project-based learning model assisted by digital media for learning anecdotal texts for class X SMA/MA students?
2. What are the results of the implementation of the project-based learning model assisted by digital media in the learning of anecdotal texts for X SMA/MA students?
2. Theoretical Study

2.1. Project Based Learning Model

The learning model is the entire series of presentation of teaching material which includes all aspects before, during and after learning carried out by the teacher as well as all related facilities which are used directly or indirectly in the teaching and learning process. The learning model is one of the factors for successful learning in the classroom. One learning model that can be used is the project-based learning model.
The function of the learning model is as a guide for teachers and teachers in carrying out learning. This shows that each model that will be used in learning determines the device used in that learning. Apart from that, the learning model also functions as a guide for learning designers and teachers in planning and implementing teaching and learning activities so that learning objectives can be achieved.
The project-based learning model is a student-centered learning approach. In other words, this learning model according to students carries out learning independently and is supervised to be able to produce a product as the end of learning .
Choosing a learning model is one part of planning the implementation of learning because it can influence the process of achieving learning objectives. The application of the learning model itself is the implementation stage of the planning that has been carried out by the teacher or instructor . Including the application of a project-based learning model. The application of this project-based learning model has been carried out and developed by researchers to show the implications that occur when the learning process is implemented.

2.2. Anecdotal Text

Anekdot merupakan cerita singkat, lucu, dan mengesankan yang menceritakan tentang orang penting (tokoh masyarakat) digunakan untuk menyampaikan kritik, tetapi tidak dengan cara kasar dan menyakiti . Anecdotal text is a funny or intriguing story that aims to teach a certain lesson and usually the story in the anecdote involves certain figures who are factual or famous. Anecdotal texts have a structure that differentiates them from other types of narrative. The anecdote structure is divided into five, namely abstract, orientation, crisis, reaction, and coda. Anecdotal text does not only present funny things, jokes or humor, but also has other purposes .

2.3. Digital Media

The role of technology is very important, because technological advances will give rise to online marketing activities. Technology is a rational method that leads to the efficiency of every human activity . Digital media is a way of producing or conveying material using sources in the form of information/material and stored in digital form. This digital media is presented using a monitor screen and used in classroom learning with the help of computers/laptops, and various other electronic equipment and connected to the internet network so that it can be used as an effective learning tool.
The digital technology revolution changes analog form to digital. Starting from information technology (ICT) which connects hardware such as computers and various software via the Internet. ICT is a tool that can be used to process data into information. As time goes by, the boundaries between ICT and mass media are increasingly blurred. The invention of smartphones and laptops accelerated the transformation of digital media because it made ICT as part of people's daily lives as digital media. As a means of obtaining news and entertainment, digital media makes it possible to provide software to process data and provide access to news and entertainment with just one piece of hardware.
Increasingly sophisticated digital technology makes it easier for companies to market their products effectively. Digital technology will become a more attractive prospect in marketing products through various applications and marketing research that is suitable for the product to be marketed . The positive impact of using digital media is that it makes it easier to obtain information in a short period of time, makes it easier to send data, as a communication medium for a wide reach, and as a source of income .
Digital literacy is people's awareness, attitudes and ability to use digital tools and devices appropriately to identify, use, manage, integrate, evaluate, analyze and synthesize digital resources, create new knowledge, create media expressions and communicate with the public. other people in relation to certain life situations to enable constructive social activity and reflect this process . This development is an interesting study and is often called digital literacy. The concept of digital literacy combines the concepts of media literacy, computer literacy and information literacy .
3. Research Methodology
The research method used in this research is the Research and Development method or development research. Research and development methods are research methods implemented with the aim of producing certain products to test the effectiveness of these products . The end of this research and development will produce a project-based learning model product assisted by digital media. The ADDIE development model procedure consists of five stages, namely: analysis, planning, development, implementation and evaluation.
This development research uses instruments that are more directed at assessing the results of the products being developed, through interviews, documentation, questionnaires and tests. The method for collecting data in this research is by collecting data from the results of expert validation questionnaires and student assessment questionnaires. The data analysis technique in this research uses qualitative descriptive analysis techniques which explain the results of product development in the form of a project-based learning model assisted by digital media, anecdotal texts.
The questionnaire provides 4 alternative answer choices according to the question content. Each answer choice has a different score which means the level of suitability of the project-based learning model assisted by digital media anecdote text. The following validation questionnaire was created using a Likert scale.
Table 1. Validation Sheet Assessment Criteria.




Very less


Not enough




Very good

Table 2. Product Trial Assessment Scores.

Alternative Answers

Score Each Answer

Positive Statements

Negative Statements

Strongly agree






Don't agree



Strongly Disagree



The student response questionnaire regarding product use has 4 alternative answers according to the content of the statement. Each answer choice has a different score which means the level of suitability of the product for the user. The following is a table of product trial assessment scores for each answer choice.
4. Results and Discussion
Development Before the project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) was tested on students, a validation process was first carried out. This validation aims to provide an assessment of the project-based learning model product assisted by digital media (flipbook) in terms of the learning model and media that have been created whether they meet the eligibility criteria or not to be tested on students. Validation of the project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) which was carried out included validation from learning model experts and media experts.

4.1. Expert Validation of Learning Models

Validation of the learning model was carried out by a doctoral expert in learning models from Gunung Swadaya Gunung Jati University, Cirebon. The questionnaire used consisted of 11 assessment items with the alternative scoring being very good being given a score of 4, good being given a score of 3, poor being given a score of 2, and very poor being given a score of 1. Aspects of assessment by learning model experts include learning activities and use of media. The assessment scores that have been obtained through the questionnaire are then averaged into an assessment score with a range of 1-4. The average score results that have been obtained are then categorized as to the level of feasibility. The data from the assessment results by learning model experts is in the following table.
Table 3. Data from Expert Assessment Results on Learning Models.

Assessment Aspects

Average Score


Learning Activities


Very Worth It

Media Use


Very Worth It

Average Total Score


Very Worth It

4.2. Media Expert Validation

Media validation was carried out by a doctoral media expert from the Indonesian Al-Zaytun Islamic Institute. The questionnaire used consisted of 21 assessment items with an alternative rating of very good being given a score of 4, good being given a score of 3, poor being given a score of 2, and very poor with a score of 1. Aspects of assessment by media experts include media size, media cover design, and media content design. The assessment scores that have been obtained through the questionnaire are then averaged into an assessment score with a range of 1-4. The average score results that have been obtained are then categorized as to the level of feasibility. The data from the assessment results by learning model experts is in the following table.
Table 4. Data from Media Expert Assessment Results.

Assessment Aspects

Average Score


Media Size


Very Worth It

Media Cover Design (cover)


Very Worth It

Media Content Design



Average Total Score


Very Worth It

Table 5. Practitioner Assessment Results Data (Indonesian Language Teacher)

Assessment Aspects

Practitioner Score

Total Average




Learning Activities




Very Worth It

Media Use




Very Worth It

Average Total Score


Very Worth It

4.3. Practitioner Assessment (Indonesian Language Teacher)

The practitioner assessment was carried out by two Indonesian language teachers from SMA Negeri 1 Gantar school, and an Indonesian language teacher from the MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis school, Indramayu Regency, Java Province which consisted of 11 assessment items with the alternative scoring very good being given a score of 4, good being given a score 3, less given a score of 2, and very less with a score of 1. The assessment aspect by Indonesian language teachers consists of two aspects, namely the learning activity aspect and the media use aspect. The assessment scores that have been obtained through the questionnaire are then averaged into an assessment score with a range of 1-4. The average score results that have been obtained are then categorized as to the level of feasibility.

4.4. Field Trials

After initial stage trials are carried out, the product is then subjected to field trials. This field trial was carried out to confirm the data and determine the response of respondents as product users at large. Respondents in the field trials conducted at MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis amounted to 27 students. The results of field trials obtained through questionnaires were then averaged with an assessment score ranging from 1-4. The results of the average scores that have been collected are then categorized into appropriateness levels according to those contained in the following table.
Table 6. Data from Field Trial Results.

Assessment Aspects

Average Score




Very Worth It

Media Use


Very Worth It



Very Worth It

Project Creation


Very Worth It

Average Total Score


Very Worth It

5. Implementation Results
The results of the implementation of the project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) are overall suitable for use as a learning model. This feasibility is proven from the results of evaluations by learning model experts, media experts, practitioners, early stage trials and field trials. Based on analysis of research data, assessment results were obtained which can be explained in the following discussion.

5.1. Learning Model Expert

The feasibility of a project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) consists of two assessment aspects, namely "Learning" Activities and "Use of Media". Based on the results of the learning model expert's assessment, the feasibility of the project-based learning model assisted by digital media reached an average total score of 3.66 from the highest score of 4. This can be interpreted as that the learning model expert stated that the project-based learning model assisted by digital media in The “Very Appropriate” category is used as a learning model.

5.2. Media Expert

The feasibility of a project-based learning model assisted by digital media consists of three assessment aspects, namely "Media Size", "Media Cover Design", and "Media Content Design". Based on the results of the media expert's assessment, the feasibility of the project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) obtained an average total score of 3.14 from a maximum score of 4. This can be interpreted as that the media expert stated that the project-based learning model assisted by digital media in the "Very Appropriate" category is used as a learning model.
The assessment aspect by Indonesian language teachers consists of two aspects, namely the material aspect and the language appropriateness aspect. The practitioner assessment was carried out by two Indonesian language teachers from SMA Negeri 1 Gantar school, and the Indonesian language teacher from MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis school, Indramayu Regency. The assessment scores that have been obtained through the questionnaire are then averaged into an assessment score with a range of 1-4. Based on the results of the assessment by the two practitioners, the total average score was 3.92 with the highest score being 4. It can be said that the two practitioners generally stated that the project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) was in the "Very Feasible" category used as a learning model.

5.3. Development Trial

Based on the results of the assessments carried out by students in the initial trials and field trials, an average total score of 3.74 was obtained from a maximum score of 4. This can be interpreted as a project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbooks). in the "Very Appropriate" category to be used as a learning model for Indonesian language lessons on anecdotal text material. Based on the data analysis above, the overall average of evaluation results by learning model experts, media experts, practitioners, and early stage trials and field trials obtained an average score of 3.62 from a maximum score of 4, so that the learning model is based on projects assisted by digital media (flipbooks) are included in the "Very Feasible" category. This proves that the project-based learning model assisted by digital media is suitable for use as a project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) anecdotal texts for class X SMA/MA students.
The results of the initial student test scores from 23 students after using project-based learning model products assisted by digital media (flipbooks) with anecdotal texts, showed a maximum increase in competency. The results of field student test scores from 27 students after using project-based learning model products assisted by digital media (flipbooks) with anecdotal texts, showed a maximum increase in competency. The overall improvement in both early stage trials and field trials is very satisfying. Trials of project-based learning model product development assisted by digital media (flipbooks) anecdotal texts, both in terms of student responses and competency tests in early stage trials and field trials, received positive responses and were able to increase student competency.
6. Conclusion
As an answer to the problem formulation based on the results of research and development of a project-based learning model assisted by digital media, anecdotal texts for class X SMA/MA students can be concluded as follows:
Design of a project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) anecdote texts for class X SMA/MA students created using the CANVA application which is integrated with Heyzine. The language used in the learning model uses standard communicative language. As for readability, the writing uses size 14 with Times New Roman font. The project-based learning model assisted by digital media is also accompanied by the sound of musical instruments which can help increase concentration and reduce boredom. This project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) is accessed using a laptop or smartphone connected to the internet. When using a project-based learning model product assisted by digital media (flipbook), users can access it via the link and quick response code (check code) that has been provided.
Implementation of a project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) anecdotal texts for class X SMA/MA students can be seen from the average response in initial trials and field trials. The results of the initial trial have increased with the difference in the average value of learning outcomes before and after using the project-based learning model assisted by digital media of 10.348; Tcount value 56.097 > ttable 1.714; Sig value. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05. Meanwhile, in the field trial there was an increase with the difference in the average value of learning outcomes before and after using the project-based learning model assisted by digital media of 9.185; Tcount value 26.231 > ttable 1.703; Sig value. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05. Based on the results of discussions on the implementation of initial trials and field trials, the project-based learning model assisted by digital media (flipbook) anecdotal text for class X SMA/MA students is suitable for use as a learning model, especially anecdotal text material in Indonesian language subjects.
SMA/MA: Senior High School
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Maryanti, S., Rozak, A., Gloriani, Y. (2024). Project Based Learning Model with the help of Digital Media Anecdote Text Class X Sma/Ma Students. International Journal of Secondary Education, 12(1), 16-21.

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    ACS Style

    Maryanti, S.; Rozak, A.; Gloriani, Y. Project Based Learning Model with the help of Digital Media Anecdote Text Class X Sma/Ma Students. Int. J. Second. Educ. 2024, 12(1), 16-21. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsedu.20241201.13

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    AMA Style

    Maryanti S, Rozak A, Gloriani Y. Project Based Learning Model with the help of Digital Media Anecdote Text Class X Sma/Ma Students. Int J Second Educ. 2024;12(1):16-21. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsedu.20241201.13

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Project Based Learning Model with the help of Digital Media Anecdote Text Class X Sma/Ma Students
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    AU  - Abdul Rozak
    AU  - Yusida Gloriani
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    AB  - This research aims to develop a project-based learning model assisted by digital media for learning anecdotal texts for class X SMA/MA students. The problems of this research: (1) How is the design of a project-based learning model assisted by digital media for learning anecdotal texts for class X SMA/MA students? (2) What are the results of the implementation of the project-based learning model assisted by digital media in the learning of anecdotal texts for X SMA/MA students? This research uses research and development methods with the ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluate) model. The steps of this research consist of needs analysis, designing a project-based learning model assisted by digital media, developing a project-based learning model assisted by digital media, implementing a project-based learning model product assisted by digital media, and evaluating a project-based learning model product assisted by digital media. Data collection in this research was by collecting data from the results of validation questionnaires from learning model experts, media experts, practitioners, and implementation in learning. The data obtained was analyzed descriptively using a Likert scale and Paired Sample T-Test. The results of the validation test by learning model experts obtained a value of 3.66, validation tests by media experts obtained a value of 3.14, validation tests by Indonesian language teachers obtained a value of 3.92. The results of the implementation of the project-based learning model assisted by digital media in anecdotal text learning for class X SMA/MA students received a positive response from students with a score of 3.48. The conclusion of this research is that the project-based learning model assisted by digital media in teaching anecdotal texts for class.
    VL  - 12
    IS  - 1
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Postgraduate Indonesian Language Education, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia

  • Postgraduate Indonesian Language Education, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia

  • Postgraduate Indonesian Language Education, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia

  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Document Sections

    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Theoretical Study
    3. 3. Research Methodology
    4. 4. Results and Discussion
    5. 5. Implementation Results
    6. 6. Conclusion
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  • Conflicts of Interest
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