Research Article
Influence of Language Skills on Biology Instructional Process in Secondary Schools in Kenya
Mukiri Naomi*
Ogembo John,
Kinyua Susan
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024
11 October 2024
13 November 2024
29 November 2024
Abstract: Biology as a core science subject enables learners to conceptualize fundamental concepts such as genetics, evolution and cellular processes that underpin all living entities. Biological knowledge is also applied in addressing global challenges in fields such as medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. However, despite its significance, there has been a dismal performance in Biology in the country and Imenti-Central Sub-county for the last five years. Student performance in the subject not only depends on content mastery but also on language proficiency. Language serves as a primary medium for communicating the subject matter making good language skills essential for comprehension and expression of Biological content. However, minimal research has been conducted on the influence of language skills on Biology instructional process thus the need to undertake this study. The study investigated the influence of language skills on Biology instructional process in secondary schools in Imenti-Central Sub-county, Meru County, Kenya. A descriptive research design was adopted for data collection and analysis. The study sampled 352 participants from a population of 2950 participants using Yamane’s formula. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically while quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using percentages and frequencies and inferentially using Chi-square test with the aid of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 26 computer software. Findings indicated that language skills had a significant influence on Biology instructional process. Students’ language skills were therefore essential for effective Biology instruction. Based on the findings, the study recommended establishment of language development activities to enhance students’ language skills and varied teaching methods to demystify complex Biological terms.
Abstract: Biology as a core science subject enables learners to conceptualize fundamental concepts such as genetics, evolution and cellular processes that underpin all living entities. Biological knowledge is also applied in addressing global challenges in fields such as medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. However, despite its significance, there has be...
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Research Article
Views of Secondary School Teachers Towards Using Technology: The Case of Jimma Town
Muleta Kebebe,
Kedir Akesha,
Bekalu Ferede*
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024
19 November 2024
3 December 2024
27 December 2024
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate teachers’ perceptions of technology use in secondary schools located in Jimma town. The research focused on two primary questions: what secondary school teachers think about using technology for teaching, and what challenges they encounter while implementing it. A qualitative research approach was utilized, incorporating interviews with both academic and ICT teachers to gather primary data. The study was conducted in two carefully selected secondary schools using purposive sampling, involving a total of 12 participants. The interviews collected were coded and organized by themes for analysis. The results indicated that one prominent theme was teachers’ beliefs, which included two sub-themes: pedagogical beliefs and value beliefs. Another significant theme revealed teachers’ perceived challenges in using technology, which encompassed four main aspects: inadequate training, insufficient technological resources, personal attributes, and lack of technical support. Based on these findings, the study suggests that effective implementation of technology policies is crucial. This includes continual reviews, evaluations, and supervision, alongside providing both material and human resources. Attention must also be given to the availability of technological resources for teaching and learning. Additionally, ongoing professional development for teachers regarding technology integration in the classroom is essential. Finally, having dedicated ICT technicians available in schools is recommended to enhance the effectiveness of technology use in educational settings.
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate teachers’ perceptions of technology use in secondary schools located in Jimma town. The research focused on two primary questions: what secondary school teachers think about using technology for teaching, and what challenges they encounter while implementing it. A qualitative research approach was utilized, incorpora...
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Research Article
Interculturalism in Moroccan Institutions: The Case of Secondary Education in the French Language
Safaa Daoudi*
Wafaa El Adlouni
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024
1 October 2024
5 November 2024
30 December 2024
Abstract: Didactics and language pedagogy place great importance on integrating the intercultural dimension into language teaching. This concern is also present in the Moroccan education system, which has undertaken a reform aimed, among other things, at developing intercultural competence. However, despite these ambitions, a survey conducted among French as a Foreign Language (FLE) teachers in the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region, specifically in the Skhirat-Témara prefecture, revealed that most of these teachers do not have a clear understanding of the concepts of cultural and intercultural competences, even though the FLE teaching programs explicitly aim to develop these competences. Given these findings, this article questions how to teach the French cultural dimension and what resources could be made available to FLE teachers. The underlying hypothesis is that these resources will help preserve the cultural aspect of language teaching, thereby preventing it from being deprived of its essential cultural content that complements it. Consequently, they will enable learners to communicate correctly in FLE. Ultimately, this study raises the question of how to manage the intercultural aspect that emerges from the encounter between the local culture of learners and the foreign culture in the FLE classroom, drawing on research conducted in the didactics of languages and cultures. In this perspective, our study is divided into two parts: the first part highlights the main incompatibilities and contradictions we have just mentioned, while the second part proposes some didactic approaches aimed at mitigating these problems.
Abstract: Didactics and language pedagogy place great importance on integrating the intercultural dimension into language teaching. This concern is also present in the Moroccan education system, which has undertaken a reform aimed, among other things, at developing intercultural competence. However, despite these ambitions, a survey conducted among French as...
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Research Article
Assessing Education Quality in Secondary Schools of Yem Zone, Central Ethiopia
Tesmamu Mirre Jobir*
Tadesse Regassa
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024
6 December 2024
17 December 2024
30 December 2024
Abstract: This qualitative case study assessed the status of education quality in three government secondary schools in the Yem Zone, Central Ethiopia, exploring the perspectives of principals, teachers, and students. The study was grounded in a constructivist paradigm, acknowledging the subjective realities of the participants. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and observations, analyzed using a deductive thematic approach. Findings revealed that education quality was poor, hampered by a complex interplay of input, process, and output factors. Key challenges identified included a scarcity of teaching and learning resources, such as textbooks, laboratory facilities, and qualified teachers in certain subjects. The teaching-learning process primarily relied on traditional, teacher-centered methods, further hindered by teachers' limited classroom management skills. Students exhibited low academic performance in national examinations, though classroom grades were generally good. Factors contributing to poor education quality encompassed inadequate educational inputs, ineffective teaching practices, and low motivation among both teachers and students. The study recommends urgent interventions, including the provision of essential resources, improvement of teacher training programs, and strategies to enhance teacher and student motivation. These findings highlight the need for a holistic approach to improving education quality, addressing not just assessment outcomes but also the underlying factors influencing student learning.
Abstract: This qualitative case study assessed the status of education quality in three government secondary schools in the Yem Zone, Central Ethiopia, exploring the perspectives of principals, teachers, and students. The study was grounded in a constructivist paradigm, acknowledging the subjective realities of the participants. Data was collected through se...
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Research Article
Enhancing Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Problem-Solving Skills in Learning Trigonometry Through Contextual-Based Mathematical Modeling Instruction
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024
28 November 2024
11 December 2024
30 December 2024
Abstract: Trigonometry is a crucial topic in high school mathematics that significantly influences students' understanding and problem-solving skills. However, many students face challenges in this area after traditional instructional approaches. By employing a context-based mathematical modeling instructional approach, educators can make trigonometry lessons more meaningful and relevant to students' lives, effectively connecting the academic content to their real-world experiences and contexts. This study aimed to investigate the impact of context-based mathematical modeling instructional approach on secondary school students’ conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills in trigonometry. A quasi-experimental non-equivalent pretest, posttest control group design involving 97 Grade 10 students from two separate schools in Bahir Dar City, Ethiopia was employed. The students’ conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills were assessed before and after the intervention using a trigonometric concept test and problem-solving tasks developed by the researchers and field experts. The collected data were analyzed using independent, paired sample t-tests and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The findings indicated that the treatment group, which participated in the context-based mathematical modeling instructional approach, showed significant improvements in understanding and solving real-life trigonometric concepts and problems compared to the control group. This contextualized approach, supported by effective teacher training and the strategic use of readily available materials significantly enhanced students' conceptual understanding of trigonometry, problem-solving skills, and their ability to apply these concepts to real-world situations. These results suggest that accessible resources, combined with effective instructional delivery, are essential factors in improving mathematics learning outcomes.
Abstract: Trigonometry is a crucial topic in high school mathematics that significantly influences students' understanding and problem-solving skills. However, many students face challenges in this area after traditional instructional approaches. By employing a context-based mathematical modeling instructional approach, educators can make trigonometry lesson...
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